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recommended for beginner printed 2001
language german condition -
pages 140 out of print yes
author Dr. Carola ELSTER first print yes
publisher GTZ
back Mangroven - rückseite
contents Mangroven - inhaltsverzeichnis Mangroven - inhaltsverzeichnis 
from the book Mangroven - aus dem Buch Mangroven - aus dem Buch Mangroven - aus dem Buch 
description An interesting book about the importance of mangroves, the reasons for their impairment and possibilities of rehabilitation.

Their ecological benefits, such as wood, salt, medicine, tourism and many others, female-promotion in third-world countries via new alternative job opportunities thanks to mangroves are commented upon in a very interesting manner.

Rehabilitation and management steps such as water supply, salt, pollution, over-use are described, so is re-afforesting.
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