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Mangroves and Mangrove Birds of Western Australia
Mangroves and Mangrove Birds of Western Australia
Mangroves and Mangrove Birds of Western Australia
recommended for beginner printed 1990
language english condition 2nd hand
pages 120 out of print yes
author R.E. Johnstone first print yes
publisher Western Australian Museum
back Mangroves and Mangrove Birds of Western Australia - rückseite
contents Mangroves and Mangrove Birds of Western Australia - inhaltsverzeichnis 
description The book titled 'Mangroves and Mangrove Birds of Western Australia' gives general information on mangroves and detailed information on where the mangrove forests are in Western Australia and how big they are, but the birds that live in the mangroves and depend on them are the main topic of this book. The book does not come up with picutres or drawings of birds but gives detailed information on where the birds can be found (distribution), the status and ecology of the birds as well as information about their voice, what they eat, their breeding habits and absolutely detailed information via data tables about the birds (wing, tail, weight, ...)
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