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Mangroves of Goa
Mangroves of Goa
Mangroves of Goa
recommended for experienced printed 2002
language english condition new
pages 155 out of print yes
author M.J. Kothari, K.M. Rao first print yes
publisher Botanical Survey of India
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contents Mangroves of Goa - inhaltsverzeichnis 
from the book Mangroves of Goa - aus dem Buch Mangroves of Goa - aus dem Buch 
description 'Mangroves of Goa' is a book that provides information about mangroves in the geographical place Goa in India. The books tells about general informaton on mangroves but especially about the single mangrove species that exist in Goa. The informations are supported by drawings an color pictures.

A strength of this book is, that it shows exactly where all the mangrove species grow.
€ 34.00
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