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Mangroves of Taiwan
Mangroves of Taiwan
Mangroves of Taiwan
recommended for beginner printed 1998
language english condition 2nd hand
pages 176 out of print yes
author Shong Huang, Jin-Taur Shih, Mei-Li Hsueh first print yes
publisher Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
back Mangroves of Taiwan - rückseite
contents Mangroves of Taiwan - inhaltsverzeichnis 
description Mangroves of Taiwan is a modern book about mangroves and mangrove associates in Taiwan. The book tells about the different species which exist in Taiwan, tells about the distribution of mangrove forests in Taiwan and informs detailed about annelids, the malacofauna, crabs and fish in the mangrove swamps of Taiwan.

A very nice book with a lots of color pictures and illustrations. Unfortunately quite rare.
€ 89.00
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