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Mangroves of the wider Caribbean
Mangroves of the wider Caribbean
Mangroves of the wider Caribbean
recommended for beginner printed 1990
language english condition new
pages 30 out of print yes
author Richard Bossi, Gilberto Cintron first print yes
back Mangroves of the wider Caribbean - rückseite
contents Mangroves of the wider Caribbean - inhaltsverzeichnis 
from the book Mangroves of the wider Caribbean - aus dem Buch 
description The book "Mangroves of the wider Caribbean" is easy to read and gives an overview about the mangroves in the Caribbean.

It informs especially about the major environmental functions, the distribution and the utilization of the mangroves in the wider Caribbean as well as the regional status and outlook. The focus of this book is in managing mangroves and how to ensure their survival.
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