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faq - frequently asked questions

  1. How old do mangroves get?
  2. When do mangroves flower?
  3. How fast do mangroves grow?
  4. Do mangroves need fertilizer?
  5. How do I multiply mangroves?
  6. How to grow mangroves indoor?
  7. Where should I grow mangroves?
  8. Is it ok if mangroves are submerged?
  9. When do mangroves develop air roots?
  10. Which mangrove is the right one for me?
  11. How to cultivate mangroves in the aquarium?
  12. How do I control the growth of my mangrove?
  13. Can I grow different mangrove species together?
  14. Which mangrove is best for my marine aquarium?
  15. What can I do to support the growth of my mangrove?
  16. What advantages do I get from mangroves in my aquarium?
  17. My mangrove grows in fresh water and now I wanna grow it in salt water!
  18. My mangrove grows in fresh water and now I wanna grow it in brackish water!
1. Question: How old do mangroves get?
Answer: There is only little knowledge about the age of mangroves. Investigations on Rhizophora mucronata showed that the age can be 100 years plus. What age exactly and what life expectancy mangroves have is unknown.
2. Question: When do mangroves flower?
Answer: If very good growing conditions are offered, mangroves can flower within four years. Growing conditions that do not support the growth of mangroves will lengthen the time till the moment comes the mangrove starts flowering or lead to no blossoms at all.
3. Question: How fast do mangroves grow?
Answer: The growth of mangroves depends on the mangrove species and the growth conditions, good growing conditions will lead to quick growth, especially Barringtonia sp., Bruguiera sp., Heritiera littoralis, Pelliciera rhizophorae and Terminalia catappa as well as Xylocarpus sp. can grow pretty quick and reach up to two meters or more within two years. The growth of mangroves is in relation to the nutrients available and provided as well as the size of pot the mangrove is growing in. The size of mangroves in aquariums normally does not exceed a hight of 60 to 80cm.
4. Question: Do mangroves need fertilizer?
Answer: Mangroves which are cultivated in aquariums normally do not need any fertilizers if the aquarium is in a proper balance of nutrients. Mangroves which do not grow in aquariums should be grown in the effective and sustainable long-term fertilizer Mangrove Mud Basic or even better in Mangrove Mud Special. Experiments with conventional fertilizers can be fatal for your mangroves.
5. Question: How do I multiply mangroves?
Answer: Mangroves are mainly propagated by propagules and seeds. Propagation by cuttings is possible, succeeded occasionally and requires special conditions. Depending on the mangrove species propagation by cuttings is possible or not.
6. Question: How to grow mangroves indoor?
Answer: Not all mangroves can be grown indoor, those mangroves which can be grown indoor can be selected by the selection support at our shop. How to grow mangroves indoor is described very detailed in keeping.
7. Question: Where should I grow mangroves?
Answer: You can grow your mangrove as a potplant on the windowsill or in your conservatory but also in your aquarium, terrarium or vivarium and if you live in a subtropical or tropical climate, you can grow your mangrove outdoor. Detailed information on cultivating mangroves in keeping
8. Question: Is it ok if mangroves are submerged?
Answer: Young mangrove plants, especially those which grow in the tides as Avicennia and Rhizophora sp., are flooded twice a day till the plants are tall enough. Most of the time its aquarists who ask us this question. Mangroves shall not be kept submerged in aquariums at any time, it won't take long till the mangrove dies.
9. Question: When do mangroves develop air roots?
Answer: Not all mangroves develop the typical air roots of mangroves. Those mangroves which do develop air roots get them normally within the first two to three years. Mangroves grown in fresh water will never develop air roots.
10. Question: Which mangrove is the right one for me?
Answer: We offer $cntSpecies mangrove species, it can be hard to choose one, take a few minutes, answer the questions of our aptitude-test and all mangroves that fit your growing conditions will be listed.
11. Question: How to cultivate mangroves in the aquarium?
Answer: Not all mangrove species can be kept in aquariums, those mangroves which can be cultivated excellent in aquariums can be selected by the selection support at our shop. How to grow mangroves in your aquarium is described detailed in keeping.
12. Question: How do I control the growth of my mangrove?
Answer: Mangroves can be cut regularly, usually two new branches develop after cutting a branch and lead to compact growth of your mangrove. The stilt roots of Rhizophora species can be cut too. This methode allows you to control the growth of your mangrove and its size.
13. Question: Can I grow different mangrove species together?
Answer: In your home you can grow different mangrove species without any problems, due the different filtration of mangrove species it is recommendable and adviseable to do so in aquariums of any kind. In nature, mangroves appear in different formations, there are mangrove species that get along with each other and others that should not be cultivated together.
14. Question: Which mangrove is best for my marine aquarium?
Answer: Mangroves which can be grown in marine aquariums, can be selected by the selection support at our shop. Our customers prefer Rhizophora mangle, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera sexangula and Avicennia marina for their marine aquariums. How to grow mangroves in marine aquariums is described detailed in keeping.
15. Question: What can I do to support the growth of my mangrove?
Answer: A lots of nutrients, air temperature between 25°C to 30°C, water temperature between 25°C to 26°C or soil temperature between 23°C to 25°C, humidity between 60 to 80 %, 10 to 12 hours light daily, good quality artificial lights as LED or HQI, additional sunlight is welcome.
16. Question: What advantages do I get from mangroves in my aquarium?
Answer: Mangroves remove nitrate, nitrite and phosphate in your aquarium, relieve the filters, reduce the growth of algae and provide better water quality and therefore well-being of all life in your aquarium.
17. Question: My mangrove grows in fresh water and now I wanna grow it in salt water!
Answer: If we are talking about a propagules you can grow your mangrove propagule immediately in salt water without any adjustment. Young plants of the genus Bruguiera or Rhizophora can be transfered within their first 8 to 9 months by a radical method, cut off all roots and transfer the mangrove into its new habitat with walt water, the propagule has enough nutrients from its mother tree for about 12 months and therefore enough reserves to develop new roots from its own power which will be adopted to its new environment. Older plants are sensitive to any changes and have to be adjusted slowly to its new conditions by increasing salinity slowly, this adjustment should not be shorter than 4 weeks.
18. Question: My mangrove grows in fresh water and now I wanna grow it in brackish water!
Answer: If we are talking about a propagules you can grow your mangrove propagule immediately in brackish water without any adjustment. Young plants of the genus Bruguiera or Rhizophora can be transfered within their first 8 to 9 months by a radical method, cut off all roots and transfer the mangrove into its new habitat with walt water, the propagule has enough nutrients from its mother tree for about 12 months and therefore enough reserves to develop new roots from its own power which will be adopted to its new environment. Older plants are sensitive to any changes and have to be adjusted slowly to its new conditions by increasing salinity slowly, this adjustment should not be shorter than 3 weeks.
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